1st International Workshop – Oviedo

After the Crisis? Social, Economic and Political Tendencies in Europe and its Regions What are the new challenges posed by inequalities and corruption and how can be palliated? Which kind of economic policies do we need? Is the whole capitalist system into question? What is the role of civil society in the new contexts? Which Europe do we want or expect and what are the dilemmas concerning nationality, sovereignty and collective identity?… Read More

Wake Up Europe!

Germany and Italy together for Europe RUB-European Dialogues – Germany and Italy together for Europe is an initiative promoted by the Wakeup Europe Foundation and the research group of the University of Bochum RUB-Europadialog. We are early career scholars from all around Europe who strive for European integration by promoting transnational projects on the topic “Europe as crisis and discourse: ideas check – venture practice – take responsibility”. In particular, the aim… Read More

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