How to deal with Trumpism – A practical guide from the Mediterranean Boot

History has never been a magistra vitae in the way Cicero might have wished. If, however, there is anyone on the American side of the Atlantic ocean who only remotely thinks that the Roman philosopher had something of a point, then the time has come to learn some lessons from a tiny country called Italy, which for centuries has had the privilege to play the trailblazer – from the Roman Empire through… Read More
4th International Workshop – Lecce

(Re)Thinking Europe from the South: Intersections between Politics, Law, Philosophy and History The 4th International Workshop of RUB Europadialog will take place in Lecce from 26th to 29th May 2017. RUB Europadialog is affiliated with Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB), Germany, and promoted by Institut für Deutschlandforschung (RUB). We receive generous funding from Stiftung Mercator in Essen. The workshop will be part of a series with previous events in Oviedo (2015), Athens (2016) and… Read More