RUB Europadialog
constitutes a network of early career scholars and PhD students from different parts of the continent who want to engage with the past, present, and future of the European project. Facing the current propagation of simple narratives, stereotypes and the omnipresence of a discourse of confrontation, we wish to encourage a return to the European virtue of the conversation. In doing so, we would like to discuss our research on European politics, culture, society, economy, and history with the broader public and so release creative potentials that might help us deal with the problems of the present. Our approach might be summarised as ‘discuss ideas – devise practical steps – take responsibility’. We define Europe as a discursive space that is capable of ‘crisis’, but also believe that ‘criticism and crisis’ (Reinhart Koselleck) are basic historical phenomena defining European civil society in the modern period in need of deconstruction. With Jürgen Habermas, we see discursive interventions in the public sphere as the most appropriate form of crisis management. Whether in dealing with economic or humanitarian, political or cultural problems, rational dialogue and communication should serve to overcome the many current predicaments of Europe.
This website will contain information on the activities of the network and host blog articles in different European languages written by fellows of RUB Europadialog. We would also be delighted to feature guest articles, so if you wish to contribute to the blog or would just like to learn more about the project, please do get in touch with us. We are also interested in establishing collaborations with external partners and would be very happy to hear from individuals or institutions who wish to propose joint projects.
RUB Europadialog is based at the Institute for German Cultural Studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum and funded by Stiftung Mercator in Essen, Germany.